Our principal aim at Northfield Farm is to source and produce premium quality Beef, Lamb and Pork, which has lived well and humanely killed. We hang it carefully and appropriately and lastly butcher it toprovide the very best quality to all our customers.
Northfield Farm straddles the Rutland Leicestershire border midwaybetween Oakham and Melton Mowbray. When we first moved here in 1994 members of the more conventional farming fraternity observed with someamusement our small herd of Dexter cattle. The Dexter is a small, short-legged cow of ancient origin, believed to come from Ireland.
We also rear White Park Cattle, one of the oldest British Breeds. Legend has it that King John “Knighted” the roast loin of a White Park to create “Sir Loin”
Since opening our farm shop in 1997 when we supplied most of the meat from our own fields, the business has grown considerably. It has always been our aim to encourage others to breed, rear & finish rare and traditional breeds. We now have what is best described as an’informal co-operative’ of around 50 such suppliers. This ensures that greater care & attention have been lavished upon the animals than is possible when sourcing from very large farming businesses. We also source beef & lamb from Buccleuch Heritage Brands in the Scottish Borders; and the Orkney Islands. We believe passionately that if farming & specialist food production are to survive the producer & consumer must strive together to ensure traceability and excellence.