Arts for Rutland is a Registered Charity committed to leading, promoting and supporting the arts in Rutland. It consists of a small volunteer committee that aims to be representative of the county’s arts organisations and various creative disciplines. It also adminisers and supports various projects and schemes
Here are some of the projects and events we are involved with;
Cinema for Rutland We have an exciting programme of films in conjunction with Phoenix community cinema, which takes place on the first Thursday of every month at the Rutland County Museum, doors opening at 7pm for a 7:30pm showing.
Drama for Rutland There are performances of Live and Local shows all over Rutland in Autumn and Winter 2017 and up to spring of 2018. The leaflet of all show can be downloaded on our own website
The Rutland Open and Youth Exhibition Run by Mo Gardener, from Open Studios and one of our trustees. Entries from artists from all over Rutland and prizes for teh best entries judged by invited experts. The Youth open has encouraged young people to create artistic pieces.
Grant Scheme Arts for Rutland is committed to supporting new arts projects and initiatives across the county. One of the ways we can do this is through our Arts for Rutland Grant Scheme. Money can be applied for by groups and individuals to run Arts projects, performances, gain more skills and help towards costs of materials and equipment.
Equipment Arts for Rutland has equipment that can be used to support cultural events in Rutland. The equipment is free to use but it must be booked at least a week in advance, and collected from Rutland County Museum during opening hours.