Browse our useful list of where to get more local information for things to do in and around Rutland

Rutland Water Visitor Centre

Based at Sykes Lane near Empingham, the Rutland Water visitor centre provides all sorts of useful and interesting local information including, maps, ideas for local walks, cycle routes, souvenirs and gifts. Rutland Water activity permits and parking permits are also available here. The site includes a children's play area, adventure-golf course, off-lead dog walking area and summer beach;

Rutland Water Visitor Centre, Sykes Lane, Empingham, Rutland, LE15 8PX
Email: Telephone: 01780 686800

Stamford Visitor Information

Find out all you need to know about the charming town of Stamford from the knowledgeable volunteers who run a pop-up visitor centre in the Corn Exchange Theatre, Broad Street, 4 days a week from April to October.
01780 766455

Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue Oct 2019
Clipsham Yew Tree Avenue October 2019

Information Points

Oakham has an information point where you can pick up leaflets and get advice about Rutland accommodation, events and local attractions;  Rutland County Museum & Visitor Centre, Catmose Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW

Other locations which offer a range of local leaflets include;

Falcon Hotel, Uppingham Market Place

Barnsdale Gardens hold a large range of visitor information in their gift shop, which is accessible without having to buy admission for the gardens: The Avenue, Exton, Rutland, LE15 8AH

Gates Garden Centre, Cold Overton Road, LE15 7QB

Our Village Stores Are Fabulous Information Points

Many of our lovely villages have a useful local shop for all your essentials and treats! They warmly welcome visitors and provide a host of useful information during your stay. From finding a good place to eat to recommending wet weather ideas, if you need local knowledge whilst holidaying in Rutland, be sure to pay them a visit;

Edith Weston Village Store, 01780 722164. off Church Lane, Edith Weston, Rutland, LE15 8EY

The Market Store, Market Overton, 01572 767948. Main Street, Market Overton, Rutland, LE15 7PL

Barbara's Store, Empingham, 01780 460348. 15 Church Street, Empingham, Rutland, LE15 8PN

Barrowden Village Shop, Wakerley Road, Barrowden, Rutland, LE15 8EP

Greetham Village Shop, Main Street, Greetham, Rutland, LE15 7NL

For Service Personnel and their families in Cottesmore and North Luffenham, here is a useful link to local community information and facilities from the Hive.

Electric Car Charging Points

Rutland was one of the leading destinations providing electric car charging points throughout the county since 2011. Here is the list of charging points in the area. 

Travelling Around Rutland by Bus

There are many bus routes to enjoy getting around Rutland. View Rutland bus timetables here.

For further travel information contact Traveline: 0871 200 2233 (12 pence per minute)