Nordic Walking! the best way to discover Rutland, Stamford & Harborough

Nordic Walk it!  – keep healthy, stay in shape and enjoy exercise

Learners sessions, Daily Group walks, One-to-one personal training and private group sessions for visitors and local residents.

Nordic walking is an enhanced walking technique that uses poles to exercise your upper body as well as your legs giving a full body, low impact workout, promoting good posture, muscle tone and flow of movement.

The poles provide support, and the technique promotes good posture and movement, giving you the confidence and stamina to tackle challenges that you’d never thought possible.   You’ll walk faster, feel stronger and move with ease over longer distances.   And what’s even better is that you’ll see the results of your efforts straight away as your level of fitness increase from the get go.

This is because Nordic walking brings many more muscles into play than ordinary walking – your chest, arms, shoulders, abs and other core muscles are all involved as well as your legs.  Plus the poles propel you forwards helping you walk faster, raising your heart rate and expending energy.

The feeling of fitness and wellbeing you’ll enjoy on every Nordic Walk will amaze you.  You’ll visit places you may not have known existed, or wouldn’t visit on your own, and discover the beauty of your local area.  It’s also one of the most social and fun activities you can do, it’s amazing how time passes so quickly when you’re having a good natter!

The non-competitive nature of Nordic walking as a regular means of exercise, and the ability for you to be good at it even if you’re not the ‘sporty’ is part of what makes Nordic walking so unique.

So whether you want to keep active, prevent or recover from injury, or simply take your fitness to new heights Nordic walking will enable you to do this.